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SBS International offers a range of stand-alone EMS ​solutions to suit your specific conditions


Not every business needs a comprehensive environmental management system, so SBS International has developed a series of stand-alone, modular environmental management solutions that address individual aspects of most businesses.


Our management solutions can be used individually or collectively depending on the specific needs of your organisation.  For example, if your business only needs to manage its water aspects, select the Water Management System.  But should you find that you need two or three different systems to manage other aspects of your business as well, simply add them to the Water Management System when you are ready.  


The SBS modular system allows businesses the opportunity to expand its environmental management systems over a period of time - or as a single, integrated system at once.  There are nine separate, modular systems, each independently developed but easily integrated that form the SBS Environmental Management System.  You can choose from any of the following systems:


  • Water Management

  • Energy Management

  • Waste Management

  • Hazardous Materials Management

  • Chemicals and Pesticides Management

  • Air Quality Management

  • Noise and Nuisance Management

  • Transport Management

  • Biodiversity and Land Management


Each system has been designed to provide full environmental management of the specific system in accordance with ISO14001 and includes everything you need to start and sustainably manage your environmental performance.


Each of the systems has been developed for the services sector but can be easily adapted to the manufacturing sector should you require.  You select the package that you want, and then depending on your choice of package you can either make the system specific to your business on your own or get the assistance of SBS to tailor-make your solution on-site.


To find out more about how SBS International can help your business, select any of the following keys.



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