committed to cleaner, greener events and meetings

Planning, managing and reporting on Green meetings and events has become a tricky process, unless of course you have a range of tools and guides to assist. At Heritage Eco-Events we have developed a number of tools to help make your task a little easier, and to assist in making your meetings more sustainable.
Have a look at what we have for you - and even what we have managed to pull from other sources, and enjoy the journey!

Quick Reference
Quick Tip Series for:

Certified venues
Selecting your venue is an important part of any green event, and it helps to support establishments that have themselves been certified as 'green'.

Coming Soon
Watch this space for some helpful forms, templates and checklists that can assst in making your next event greener!

A growing number of professional service companies and agencies to the meetings industry embrace the principle of responsible business practice. The following companies have been independently certified as environmentally responsible.
If you are looking for products or services that aim to reduce their environmental impacts - or that meet globally respected levels of environmental compliance, follow this link and select your needs.
please note that Heritage Eco-Events does not endorse any of these products or services.