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Making it work! 

Creating awareness and providing the necessary skills makes your EMS work


We understand that a large part of the success of any EMS is the extent to which staff and associates are made aware of the goals and objectives of management.  The best environmental strategy quickly unravels when the people that need to do the work fail to understand the purpose or need for the measures being implemented. 


At The Heritage Training Academy, we recognise the need for hands-on, practical and appropriate awareness creation and training is necessary to ensure the organisational adoption of our standard.  For this reason, we have developed a number of training interventions that aim to address the practical implementation of an EMS in your business.


So whether you have staff participating in one of our regular training workshops, or choose to have an in-house training session tailored to your specific company, we have a solution for you.  Download our annual training schedule (currently for South Africa) or contact us for more specific needs directly.

Some of the training initiatives offered by Heritage include:

  • Green Leader Training Workshop - a workshop designed to help environmental officers or designated environmental coordinators implement and manage their EMS
  • Green Team Workshop - aimed at the training of the whole environmental committee in a business.
  • Green Event Training - for those involved in planing, managing and conducting more responsible events, meetings and conferences.
  • Climate Change and You - a workshop designed to create better understanding of climate change; how it affects your business and how to plan and mitigate climate change on your organisation.

In addition to our regular training sessions, the Heritage Training Academy has a number of other interventions that you could use, including:

  • Powerpoint Awareness packages
  • Posters and awareness material
  • Webinars

Contact us today for more information on how we can help you create the environment for greater environmental performance in your business.

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The Heritage Environmental Management Company

Tel: +27 012 667 6658​

​Fax:​​​​ ​+27 086 610 7120​​​​

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